Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hawaii (OGG) Kahului Airport, Maui

This airport was awesome! I was still a student pilot at the time so I had to have a CFI on board. It worked out cool because he ended up being a tour guide for my wife and I pointing out all sorts of things as I flew the plane. Pictures don't do Maui justice, but hopefully these videos can give you some sort of idea of the beauty that can only be seen from an airplane.

I have three videos. This is the one of me departing OGG. If you pay close attention you will see me put the aircraft in a crab as soon as I'm airborne due to the 20kt cross winds!!

This video is me doing a touch and go at LUP Kalaupapa Airport. This island is NW of Maui across the channel. It is on the Northern half of the island surrounded by a beautiful national park.

This last video is me landing back at OGG. The controllers told us "Maintain maximum forward speed there is a 767 on 10 mile final behind you". As soon as we landed we turned off on the first taxiway and sure enough the Boeing was plowing right behind us. The crosswind on the landing wasn't as bad, but notice there is definitely a cross wind. The rear passenger can clearly see the center line of the runway. For the non aviators that means the plane is coming in at an angle due to the winds.

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