Monday, November 15, 2010

Cross Country Time Terre Haute, Indiana

My next goal is to add an instrument rating to my private pilot license. This will allow me to fly into weather that a VFR only pilot cannot fly. In controlled airspace I have to have at least 1,000ft ceilings and 3 miles visibility under 10,000ft. Above 10,000ft I have to have 5 miles visibility. These are the FAA minimums. My personal minimums are 6 miles and 3,000ft ceilings.

Tonight I flew to Terre Haute. Its about 52nm from Eagle Creek Airport. I need to log cross country time for my instrument rating and Terre Haute is right on the border of cross country. A cross country flight is a flight of 50 nautical miles or more. It's also good practice for me because I call up Air Traffic Control and request VFR Flight Following. What this does is puts my aircraft's unique transponder code up on the controller's radar scope. He can then talk to me and advise me of traffic in my area. It's a great thing to do from a safety stand point.

On my way back the sun set and by the time I made it back to EYE it was dark. The air is always so smooth at night. I love flying at night. Plus it's easier to see traffic. I made a firm landing but decent landing, filled the plane back up with fuel, and put the plane away for the next pilot.

Now that I'm safely on the ground. Its time to grab a cool brew and enjoy Monday night football!

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