Saturday, October 30, 2010

First True Passenger Flight

This post is named "true" because technically 2 passengers have already flown with me. The 1st is the good man upstairs. The second is the flight examiner. While being a pilot he is legally a passenger on the checkride flight. If anything happens I was the PIC and he is not at any fault.

 I flew my wife to Muncie (MIE) afterwork. It was a textbook VFR flight. I filled my flight plan, opened it up in the air, got radar flight following to MIE and landed perfectly. They have a restaurant on the field called "Kacy J's". It was okay. A little pricey but the service was really nice. They saw us park on the ramp and they came and opened the door for us and offered to close my flight plan for me. Very nice people.

As I did my preflight I saw the sun sinking below the tree line. I new we'd get some awesome shots from the sky. Landing at Eagle Creek (EYE) was nice. Calm winds and the twinkling of the city below. I'll upload some pictures of the flight for you soon. She survived her first flight with the kevster....



  1. I wanna be next!!! I just need to get to indy... Maybe you can teach me how to fly!

  2. Haha!! For you it'll be weird flying at 55kts. You'll think you are in a helicopter.
